Define 'menu'? If each of your 4 help options is a separate object, then you need only make each of these objects a URL object: Properties > General > Change object type
Not that im asking about right click or left click menu...
Dim IsMinimized
'Called when the script is executed
Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
IsMinimized = False
desktopx.RegisterController Object.Name
End Sub
'Called when the script is terminated
Sub Object_OnScriptExit
End Sub
Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x,y,dragged)
If dragged = False Then
Call PopupMenu
End If
End Function
Function PopupMenu()
Set mainmenu = nothing
Set mainmenu = DesktopX.CreatePopupMenu '-- Create Main Men
mainmenu.AppendMenu 0, 1, "Help & support"
mainmenu.AppendMenu 0, 2, "Froums"
mainmenu.AppendMenu &H00000800, 100, "seperator"
mainmenu.AppendMenu 0, 3, "Contact us"
mainmenu.AppendMenu 0, 5, "Visit Us"
result = mainmenu.TrackPopupMenu(0, System.CursorX, System.CursorY)
Select Case result
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
End Select
End Function
Function PopupMenuTray()
Set mainmenu = nothing
Set mainmenu = DesktopX.CreatePopupMenu '-- Create Main Men
mainmenu.AppendMenu 0, 1, "Restore from Tray"
mainmenu.AppendMenu 0, 2, "Close"
result = mainmenu.TrackPopupMenu(0, System.CursorX, System.CursorY)
Select Case result
Case 1
IsMinimized = False
object.Visible = True
Case 2
End Select
End Function
Function OnControl(lType, lCode)
'desktopx.Object("testing").text = desktopx.Object("testing").text & lType & " " & lCode & vbnewline
OnControl = True
ShowMenu = False
If lType=2 And lCode=517 Then ShowMenu = True
If lType=1 And lCode=2 Then ShowMenu = True ' RIGHT CLICK ON ITEM
If ShowMenu = True Then
OnControl = True
If IsMinimized = True Then
Call PopupMenuTray
Call PopupMenu
End If
End If
End Function
what to be inserted in the Cases ??? I need urls in place of ????????????????????????