Hi,, I am new to desktopX........
I am triying to make a sidebar gadget like of win7......
so when i click on one object in main panel it mus show the other object like popup....I did that using "RomanDA" tutorials but when i open the gadget it also popups all the sub widets in that,,,,it must be hideen while i start up and after clicking it must popup then again if i click it mus hide,,,,
Plz guys help me out....
Thanks in advance......
I'm not really understanding what you mean. If you speak a language other than english, please say it in your language and I'll translate.
Make the object you want hidden.....let's call it "hider". Set visibility to no, under the relation tab. Apply and ok.
Make a second object. Call it button.
Under the general tab, under object type, hit change. Hit the dropdown, choose object controller. Target object name = hider.
Apply and ok.
Now clicking button should toggle hider. Hider is hidden on startup.
Thanks but once again if i click it must be hidden...........its not hihing on second click
I am sorry....I left something out. Amendments in bold.
Make the object you want hidden.....let's call it hider. Set visibility to no, under the relation tab. Also set popup to toggle, under relation tab. Apply and ok.
Under the general tab, under object type, hit change. Hit the dropdown, choose object controller. Open/toggle the popup object is chosen. Target object name = hider.
This link will allow you to download a DX pack that you can use to see how I did it. You can just swap for your graphics and use it if you choose.
Thank you so much ..........
I have made a sidebar and have 3 sub objects that
1.drive info
2.battery meter
made it to show hide using ur help...thanks for that
now what i need is when i close the sidebar the subojects i.e., that three objects also will close so i need to make them different to act...
means i want make the side bar seperate close option,,and that 3 objects,i.e.,drive info,battery meter and weather shoud have seperate close
option ....
plz help me with that!!!!!!!!!
Hello !!!!!! Guys why no reply ..........
Plz Help me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
sViz ??????????? and RedneckDude????????? Where friends???????????????????????????????????????????????
RedneckDude has been having computer problems. Give him some time, he'll be back. I think he has them sorted out now.
Ok thans bro can you help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry. I test for RedneckDude and know how to break things but I don't know how to make anything.
I'll poke him when I see him online.
Why would you want the main object to close out but not the subobjects? It can be done, but I just wondered if that's practical. Or do you mean 'hide' not close?
ETA: if they are all part of the same gadget, then closing the gadget will close all the subobjects therein.
See guys here is the image.......in the below link
and also i made them not the childerns of sidebar.....
ok if u have any sample widgets for example friends.....
Then how to make my sidebar...
any suggesition or solution that u can say me.................. [e digicons]:')[/e]
The reason they all close when you close gadget is because they are all exported together as a single gadget. It seems like to do what you want you need to make each object (weather, meter, drive) a separate gadget. That's the only way to close them independently of each other, but you'd also have to run them separately, too.
Other than that, you could write a script to delete the individual objects within the gadget, though I wouldn't recommend it. For one, it gets a little challenging when trying to delete child objects before parent objects. For two, there's no way to bring those objects back once they're gone, except to restart the whole gadget.
Are you making an actual Windows Sidebar gadget (via the option in DX Pro) or just a regular DX gadget that is a sidebar?
Windows sidebar gadgets can't be made in the new DX. If he's that new to DX, I'm sure he has a new version.
Yes ofcourse im new to DX and also i want to make actual windows sidebar gadget in DX...........
Im using DX 3.1 pro..........
the reason im doing is there is one Vista sidebar made using DX its "Thoosje Vista sidebar" you can find it here http://www.thoosje.com/
I also want to make like that win7 sidebar for Xp..........
also say me is there any other version of DX can make it???????????
Yea verily.
Not to my knowledge.
No. But 3.1 is rather old. One would think if you're new to DX you wouldn't have such an old version. 3.1 hasn't been available for quite some time.
That aside, what you ask would require scripting, which I can't help with, and would not work as you want it to as a gadget. No matter what version of DX you have.
Maybe you should PM VadM or Skarny.
Concur. I, personally, can't think of a way to script what you want. There may be a way with regular DX gadgets, as opposed to Windows Sidebar.
RedneckDude ,,,,,,Friend now im having DX 3.5 pro
and sViz can u say me any ideas for it??????????/ plzzzzzz [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e] [e digicons]:')[/e]
thanks in advance
Read replies 21 and 22. It doesn't matter what version of DX you have. sViz and I do not know how to make it do what you want.
Ok..............Thanks for help and do you know how to make move over effect like in windows sidebar???
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