The only reason to watch FOX is gone. Replaced with something better? Nope, frakin reruns of corporate bullshit.
Libertarian activist Lew Rockwell is spearheading a campaign to have Freedom Watch reinstated, writing on his website yesterday:
“If you are as outraged as I am at the cancellation of Judge Andrew Napolitano’s “Freedom Watch,” here is something you can do.”
Please contact Fox Business to ask them to reverse their decision.
Irena Briganti,
Senior Vice President Media Relations
Phone: 212-301-3608
Fax: 212-819-0816
“Be respectful but be sure to convey your outrage at this matter, and state that you and many others will boycott the network if the show is taken off the air.” Rockwell added.
Post your favourite excerpts here please.
Maybe download them because I have a feeling FOX will want these all gone from YouTube.
If you are NOT satisfied with the mainstream media, if you think that EVERY show on their network (and every other network) should always report news from the perspective of liberty and the constitution, rather than from the perspective of the state, then please join our boycott against mainstream media advertisers.
You can join the boycott against FOX News advertisers here:
You can find boycotts against the other major media corporate sponsors at