Quite simple: I start off with 2 words. The next person keeps one of the words and replaces the dropped word with another.
Examples: Run fast
Fast cars
Cars rock
My word to start: Christmas holiday
the game
luk3-o ... you can only replace one word at a turn... RickJP posted aftr sydneysiders... I think you missed that (try "Refresh" before posting).
[Trophy hunter]
gold trophy
gold bar
gold finger
Didn't notice that :/
"Gold Finger"
Chocolate Finger (better? lol )
cadbury finger
Cadbury World
Wonka World
Willy Wonka
free Willy
free trade
trade union
union jack
jack russell
russell crowe
Charlie Crowe
Charlie Chan
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie who?
Who is?
Doctor Who
Doctor P
sweet P
P Brain
Brain dead
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